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Our daughters deserve better

Today was supposed to be my first day back to work after maternity leave.

As I contemplated returning, I was shown the ugly truth that my daughter is growing up in a world that still doesn’t value her worth. She deserves a future brighter than my past.

Society is telling her FROM BIRTH that her worth is limited.

She has already been labeled an unnecessary distraction that would hinder my professional career.

I’ve had to make some difficult decisions lately to show her that she is valued, loved, and a priority.

I was expected to return to work full time in-person 8 weeks to the day after I had an emergency C-section. But I’m supposed to feel lucky I got as much time off as I did.

I was given false hope that I could return to work 100% remote so that I could be home with her. When I realized that wouldn’t be an option, I chose to leave.

When will we stop making moms choose between a family and a career?

Why do we insist on making motherhood seem like a dirty word?

Why is there little to no support for mothers returning to work?

It only takes a few seconds of courage to give our daughters more hope and opportunities. It’s time to stand up for better laws that protect and support moms. Even though it’s scary, do it scared. They deserve it. 🤍


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